Thank you for supporting & stocking Magners Irish Cider. In our latest campaign “Enjoy the refreshing side of St Patricks Day”, we are running a promotion especially for you, where you could win £1000 to spend on your team. All you have to do is fill in the details below, send photos of your venue dressed with the Magners St Patricks Day Kit to the email address supplied after entering, then wait to see if you win.

Full terms and conditions:
Promoter/Data Controller: Magners GB Limited, Pavilion 2, The Pavilions, Bridgwater Road, Bristol, BS99 6ZZ.
- Promotion is open to employees (aged 18 or over) acting on behalf of licensed premises within Great Britain, except employees of the Promoter (Magners GB Limited) and their immediate family members or anyone professionally associated with this promotion.
- Internet access is required.
- Maximum one entry per licenced premises.
- Promotion Period: The Promotion is open to entries between 00:01 on 1 March 2025 and 23:59 on 18 March 2025.
- To participate: Upon receipt of the “Enjoy the refreshing side of St. Patrick’s Day” POS kit, comprising: 5 x Staff T-shirts, 2 x Bunting, 15 x Table Talkers, 10 x A3 Portrait Posters, 2 x Fridge Stickers, set up the point of sale kit around your premises and take a photo which shows all the different elements of the point of sale kit. During the Promotion Period, complete the entry form at with your contact details (being the contact details associated with the venue) and the details of the premises on whose behalf you are entering and send your photo to the email address set out in the entry form ( Please note that any photographs which include children, illegal activities, nudity will result in the automatic disqualification of the entry associated with that photograph. All valid entries received during the Promotion Period will be submitted into the prize draw.
- Prizes: 3 x £1,000 cash prizes to be paid by BACS transfer into the wining licenced premises’ bank account (must be based in Great Britain). Any tax liability arising from acceptance or receipt of the prize is the responsibility of the recipient of the prize.
- Prizes are not transferrable and cannot be exchanged for cash. In the event of unforeseen circumstances, the Promoter reserves the right to substitute a prize, or part of a prize, for an alternative of equal or greater value.
- It is the responsibility of the entrant to provide correct, up-to-date details when entering the promotion and on acceptance of their prize. The Promoter cannot be held responsible for winners failing to supply accurate information which affects prize acceptance or delivery of their prize.
- Winner selection and notification: All valid entries received by the Promoter during the Promotion Period will be submitted into a prize draw to be conducted by or under the supervision of an independent adjudicator within 5 working days of the end of the Promotion Period. Three winners together with four reserves will be selected at the same time.
- Winner notification: The provisional winners will be notified by email to the email account associated with the winning entry within 5 working days of the end of the Promotion Period. Provisional winners must respond within 14 days of the date of the initial notification email, confirming compliance with these Terms and Conditions and eligibility along with the details of the bank account into which the prize money is to be paid (must be a bank account based in Great Britain). See clause 11 for bank account verification requirements. Failure to comply with this timeframe, or if a provisional winner rejects their prize or is ineligible, will result in disqualification of that provisional winner and the Promoter approaching a reserve winner. Participants are encouraged to monitor the email account during this time in case they are a winner.
- Winner bank account verification: The Promoter’s fulfilment agent will require confirmation of the details (name of bank, sort code, account number and account name) of the bank account to which the payment is to be made, and ensure that the bank account details as provided match up with the bank’s records of the account holder through the use of CoP (Confirmation of Payee) scheme. If the details provided by the winner do not match the details held by the bank the Promoter will ask for the same details for an alternate bank account of the winning premises (to be verified in the same way), to be received within 5 working days of request. Failure to comply with this timeframe will result in disqualification of that winner and the Promoter will be entitled to approach a reserve.
- Prize fulfilment: The Prize will be paid into the bank account as verified by the Promoter’s fulfilment agency in clause 11 within 28 days of winner verification (including completion of the CoP process).
- Privacy: The details you provide when entering this promotion, namely your contact details and photograph, will be held by the Promoter under the terms of its privacy policy, available at: The Promoter will only use the personal details supplied for the administration of the promotion and for no other purpose, unless we have your consent. You acknowledge that the Promoter may pass such information to its third-party agency, solely for the purposes of administering the promotion. Your personal details will at all times be kept confidential and in accordance with current Data Protection legislation. Your personal data will be stored for 3 months from the end of the Promotion Period, after which it will be deleted. The Promoter’s promotional agency may be required to retain certain information beyond this date in line with financial tax regulations. You can request access to your personal data, or have any inaccuracies rectified, by sending an email to By participating in the Promotion, you agree to the use of your personal data as described herein.
- The names and counties of the winning licenced premises will be available by sending an email to with “St Patricks POS Winners” in the subject header to arrive between 15 and 30 April 2025. Entrants can object to disclosure, or request that disclosure be limited in scope by contacting In any case, if a regulatory body requests confirmation of the existence of winners, or evidence of receipt of prizes, the Promoter shall be entitled to disclose the information of any winner to the regulatory body only.
- The Promoter reserves the right to verify any entrant or individual claiming to act on behalf of an entrant or a winner, including their age (via means of photographic identification), and relationship with the licenced premises, before awarding a Prize and refuse to award the Prize or withdraw Prize entitlement where there are reasonable grounds to believe there has been a breach of these terms and conditions or any instructions forming part of this promotion. If it becomes apparent that an entrant is hiding their identity by using multiple email accounts, manipulating IP addresses, using identities other than their own or any automated means in order to increase that entrant’s entries, the Promoter reserves the right to cancel any prize claimed by that entrant in breach of these terms and conditions.
- Entries (bulk or otherwise) made from trade, consumer groups or third parties will not be accepted. If it becomes apparent that an entrant is using a computer(s) to circumvent this condition by, for example, the use of ‘script’, ‘brute force’, masking their identity by manipulating IP addresses, using identities other than their own or any other automated means in order to increase that entrant’s entries into the draw in a way that is not consistent with the spirit of the promotion, that person’s entries will be disqualified and any prize award will be void.
- Incomplete, illegal, misdirected or invalid entries, or entries not in accordance with these Terms and Conditions will not be accepted. Proof of sending will not be accepted as proof of delivery.
- No responsibility can be taken for entries which are late, lost, delayed, corrupted, damaged, misdirected or incomplete or which cannot be delivered for any technical, delivery or other reason. Proof of sending will not be accepted as proof of receipt. The Promoter does not guarantee continuous or secure access to the entry site. Entries not in accordance with these terms and conditions will not be accepted. Proof of sending will not be accepted as proof of delivery. The Promoter is not liable for any non-delivery of prizes caused by the provision of wrong information by any winner.
- Insofar as permitted by law, the Promoters, its agents, and distributors will not in any circumstances be responsible or liable to compensate the winners or accept any liability for any loss, damage, personal injury or death occurring as a result of entering or taking up the Prize. Nothing in this clause shall limit the Promoter’s liability in respect of death or personal injury arising out of its own negligence or its fraud.
- If for any reason the Promotion is not capable of running as planned for reasons beyond the control of the Promoter (including but not limited to tampering, unauthorised intervention, fraud, technical failures) which corrupt or affect the administration, security, fairness, integrity or proper conduct of this promotion), the Promoter reserves the right (subject to any written directions given under applicable law) to disqualify any individual who tampers with the running of the Promotion or to cancel, amend, terminate or temporarily suspend this promotion, with no liability to entrants or third parties.
- If an act, omission, event or circumstance occurs which is beyond the reasonable control of the Promoter and which prevents the Promoter from complying with these terms and conditions (including but not limited to global or regional health crises, weather conditions, fire, flood, strike, hurricane, industrial dispute, war, terrorist activity, hostilities, political unrest, riots, civil commotion, epidemic, pandemic, famine, plague or other natural calamities and acts of God) the Promoter will not be liable for any failure to perform or delay in performing an affected obligation. In exceptional circumstances including those described here, the Promoter reserves the right to cancel, amend, terminate or temporarily suspend this Promotion but will always endeavour to minimise the effect to entrants in order to avoid undue disappointment.
- If any of these clauses should be determined to be illegal, invalid or otherwise unenforceable then it shall be severed and deleted from these Terms and Conditions and the remaining clauses shall survive and remain in full force and effect.
- The Promoter’s decision is final with regard to all promotional matters and no correspondence will be entered into.
- These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of England and Wales and shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English and Welsh courts unless you live in another part of the United Kingdom, in which case your local courts will have jurisdiction.
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